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Press release

On the road to success: How two young entrepreneurs in Osnabrück are shaking up the market

Osnabrück, August 04, 2022

Since 2021, it's been all about business for two 21-year-old entrepreneurs: Valentin Kley and Fernando di Matteo built up a profitable online retail business in the healthcare sector with parahealth. They quickly gained thousands of business customers. They relocated their company headquarters to Osnabrück at the beginning of 2022. With their rapidly growing business, the two young entrepreneurs are now pursuing bigger goals: To continue optimizing their system and the market in order to build a market leadership position.

In 2021, the two young entrepreneurs Valentin Kley on the left and Fernando di Matteo on the right founded the online wholesaler parahealth | Foto Fotostudio Erhardt

New location Osnabrück - New goals

After a successful first financial year in 2021, they relocated their company headquarters to Osnabrück in 2022 and expanded their team. In the future, they plan to expand their range and expand into other European countries. "We believe in our system," explains Kley. The two are pursuing another goal: having already achieved online leadership, the next step is to lead the entire market. "The potential is there," emphasizes Kley. Di Matteo adds: "We will become the market leader because our system is better. We come and make price announcements."

Business idea at Christmas

At Christmas 2020, the then 20-year-old Kley came up with the business idea of parahealth. To ensure safe meetings during coronavirus times, rapid tests were to be made available to private individuals. Using their own capital, di Matteo and Kley ordered rapid tests and sold them. They invested in a website with an online store. In 2021, they were the first providers in Germany to sell the "spit test" to private individuals, which also attracted media attention.

Success in fall 2021

From summer 2021, they offered rapid tests exclusively to business customers, as the legal situation for sales to private customers changed. During the coronavirus pandemic in fall 2021, they supplied their customers with almost one million rapid tests.

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