Buy disinfectant wipes - for practical, quick cleaning
They are the practical solution for quick disinfection: disinfectant wipes. As an alternative to conventional liquid disinfectants, they are available ready-to-use in dispensers or packaging. They can be used to disinfect surfaces or hands quickly and easily, depending on the intended use. Depending on the spectrum of activity, they kill viruses, bacteria and germs.
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Disinfectant wipes - in which areas can I use them?
They are currently used in the medical sector. There, they are often used to clean medical devices or surfaces used for medical purposes. They are also suitable for surfaces close to patients and treatments, such as treatment chairs, couches or bed frames.
However, they can also be used for surface disinfection in other areas. For example, germ-prone surfaces such as displays, toilet seats or door handles can be cleaned quickly and easily.
There are also wipes that are used for hygienic hand disinfection or even as a skin antiseptic before injections and punctures.
They can be used on various materials (see Wipes for disinfection - What materials are available?).
Buying disinfectant wipes - these ranges are available
The vast majority of disinfectant wipes have a bactericidal, levurocidal and limited virucidal effect. This means that they are effective against bacteria, yeasts and, to a limited extent, viruses. In hygiene-sensitive areas, however, attention should also be paid to the virucidal effect. For example, for cleaning in operating theaters.
In medical practices or clinics, disinfectant wipes with a particularly broad antimicrobial spectrum of activity against fungi, bacteria, enveloped viruses (such as SARS-CoV-2) and some non-enveloped viruses (such as noroviruses and rotaviruses) should be used. The presence of noroviruses or rotaviruses, for example, is also likely in these areas.
Disinfectant wipes - how are they used?
The label should be read before using the wipes. The label contains information on exposure time, areas of application, material compatibility and the use itself. To disinfect a specific surface, the wipes are then removed individually from their packaging. The surfaces and objects to be disinfected are rubbed over the entire surface. The preparation must then be allowed to work in. After the specified exposure time, the surface can be wiped with a clean cloth. The exposure time depends on the type of disinfectant.
The cloths are not suitable for heavy soiling and grease. In this case, the surfaces must first be cleaned in another way.
How do I wipe properly?Â
You should start at the top of a vertical surface. From there, proceed downwards with one wipe. At the end of a horizontal surface, the cloth should be wiped slowly to the opposite end. Hard surfaces should then be visibly wet and shiny.
To cover larger areas, several wipes should be used. One wipe disinfects a maximum area of three square meters or less.
Dry the disinfected surface
The drying times of the disinfectant are influenced by the room temperature and humidity. It is best to allow the surfaces to air dry after wiping.
In food areas, the area must be rinsed with clean drinking water after the surface has been air-dried. A clean cloth can then be used for drying.
Observe proper disposal
Used disinfectant wipes must be disposed of properly in the waste after use. They should not be flushed down the toilet.
After using the wipes, you should wash your hands with warm water and soap. Gloves are often used for surface disinfection wipes. Disinfectants with a low alcohol content are more compatible with materials and can also be used without gloves if necessary. In general, however, you should always adhere to the hygiene requirements of the respective work area.
Buying disinfectant wipes - what materials are available?Â
The disposable wipes are usually made from inexpensive materials such as cellulose fibers and polyolefin fibers. Cellulose fibers guarantee a high water retention and storage capacity. Polyol fibers, on the other hand, have high tensile strength, abrasion and solvent resistance. Most wiping cloths are made from blends of polyester and viscose fibers/wood pulp.
Material compatibilityÂ
Material compatibility should be checked before using the disinfectant wipes. The label should be read for this purpose. The majority of wipes can be used on hard, non-porous surfaces. These include laminate, sealed granite, vinyl and fiberglass. However, they should not be used on untreated wood or heavily worn surfaces.
Advantages of disinfectant wipes
Disinfectant wipes can be used quickly and easily to disinfect small surfaces. For example, table surfaces, door handles, toilet seats, smartphones, tablets, other touchscreens, PCs or Plexiglas. In most cases, they offer high material compatibility with surfaces that are not sensitive to alcohol. They are particularly easy to remove. Dispenser boxes are refillable.
2in1: Skin and surface disinfectant wipesÂ
Some disinfectant wipes are suitable for both skin and surface disinfection. They are particularly practical for on-the-go use and are ideal for quick disinfection. Individually wrapped wipes, which do not dry out so quickly, are particularly advantageous for this purpose.
Buying disinfectant wipes - what you should bear in mind
The moisture content of disinfectant wipes should always be checked. If they are dry, the specified level of disinfection can no longer be provided.
Wipe thoroughly
During the wiping process, microorganisms may simply be transferred to another location. This transfer depends on the one hand on the retention capacity of the wipe. On the other hand, it also depends on the bactericidal activity of the disinfectant it contains.
Overall, the removal of microorganisms also depends on other factors.
Factors for thorough disinfection
In addition to the properties of the actual wiping material, the removal of microorganisms also depends on other aspects. These include the surface energy, fabric structure, fiber types and the pressure applied during wiping. The number of wiping passes also plays a role.
Other important factors are the quantity and concentration of the disinfectant. How much of it remains on the surface after wiping is also crucial. The latter depends on the interaction between the wipe and the disinfectant. The amount of solution released is highly dependent on the absorbency of the wipe.